Andrzej Berner at

[ Reviews about "Cain" ]

• Phantom of the Garage
Love the "drip" intro- adds an element of the organic to the electronica. The artist is obviusly a well versed and creative musician with a lot of vision. - Timing/ tempo/ mood/soundscape/production and orchestration all deserve mention Hope your talents are appreciated beyond the garage
- marcschulson from San Diego, California on 10Aug2006

• Eerie Cave Music
This song has a spooky kind of underground sound like being in a cave. Pizzicato strings sound good. When the full band entrance with keys and horns kick in they sound really good. Nice breakdown back into the cave-y part. The part at about 4 minutes or so in sounds really good. It's nice how it builds. I love the transition back into some sort of more medevialish sounding music around the 8:30 mark.
- MarcusSauce from San Antonio, Texas on 22Aug2006

• Master of Contrast
very slow build-up in intro. i'm not sure it works without something holding it together underneath -- a single note or an FX? that aside, this piece sets up a mood of expectation, would be great as a movie soundtrack. once it got going, you kept me interested with the arrangement. the full burst of sound at 2+ min was awsome. you're a master of contrast.
- DigitalMonk from Berkeley, California on 3Aug2006

• Journey…
Great intro. The mood of this is excellent but so long! Is this maybe 2 or even 3 pieces masquerading as one? That said, the really synthy parts about halfway in put me in mind of Clockwork Orange/Moroder style soundtracks. Before it then departs into a Hans Zimmer orchestral piece. I think there’s loads of imagination in this, there’s a lot going on, the changes are dramatic but never departs from the overall mood.
- ferox5 from Glasgow, United Kingdom on 7Aug2006